Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2013 3rd Quarter Schedule


Activity schedule – July, August, September 2013

Unless otherwise specified, we meet at 10 a.m. All activities are subject to last-minute changes, so watch for email updates and be sure to call the contact person before heading out. If you cannot reach the contact person, call Gloria H. In consideration of other hikers, please, no dogs on the trail. Remember to bring your lunch.

July 4: Happy Fourth!

July 11: Kennebec Highlands. Jim R., and Bruce N.

July 18: Quiet Side of Mount Desert Island. Ron and Charlotte S.

July 25: TBA. Richard and Candace S.

July 28-30: Camping trip at Shin Pond, Mount Chase. If you plan to go, please notify David J., or Gordon R.. You need to make your own reservations with Terry at Shin Pond Village, 528-2900.

August 1: A walk around historic Bucksport.  Jim Z.

August 8: Schoodic Mountain, East Franklin, with a Donnell Pond dip afterwards. Cora H., and Judy H.

August 15: From Jordan Pond House parking (meet at 9:30 a.m.) over Eliot Mountain to Thuya Garden in Northeast Harbor. Judith C.

August 22: Champlain Mountain and the Bowl, Acadia National Park. Debbie P.

August 29: Black Mountain in East Franklin, with a swim afterwards in Donnell Pond. Dan and Carolyn B.

September 5: Quarterly meeting, St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Ellsworth. Hosts: Marcia P., Ann J., and Cora H.. Let them know what you’ll bring and don’t forget your place setting.

September 6: Canoeing at Hirundo Wildlife Refuge in Alton, with trails for hiking. Canoes are available -- $5 donation. To reserve a canoe, call the trip leader a week in advance. Mary Ann H.

September 12: Pepper Grass Farm in Newburgh, trails and games. Jim W.

September 19: Tunk Mountain, Franklin. Barbara and Dick S.

September 26: Schoodic Head at Schoodic Point. Valerie L., and Christina D.

The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, August 23, at Fields Pond Audubon Center in Holden.

The Downeast Outing Club, its members and contact persons, take no responsibility and have no liability for any accident or injury associated with its activities. Participants do so at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not experts.

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