Thursday, March 7, 2013

Secretary's Report 3/2013

Note as always I have deleted the last name and phone #'s of all mentioned for the members privacy.

              Downeast Outing Club
Quarterly Meeting at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Ellsworth; March 7, 2013 Gloria H. presiding;  17 members present

Secretary’s report: was read by Sal R.
Treasurer’s report: $25 was donated to the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen in memory of Jessie R.  $60 was donated to St. Andrew Lutheran Church for the use of their room. 
Reminder – please send in your 2013 dues to the Treasurer, Bob B. , if you have not yet done so.
Planning Committee:  Jane R. reported on the schedule of hikes for the next quarter.      
Summer camping committee: This year’s camping committee will be Mary Beth D., Ann J. and Gordon R.  Suggestions for possible locations were submitted.
Honorary members: We have 5 new honorary members; Marge & Dave M., Pat &  Bill B., and Janine B..  Congratulations to you all!
Additional outings: We discussed how to handle additional outings.  It was decided that anyone wanting to offer a specific outing should write up the particulars in an email.  That can then be distributed to the club members.
Other: We discussed the feasibility of eliminating the 1st quarterly meeting in the future.  This meeting has the least amount of attendees.  No decision was made, open to further discussion.
The next Quarterly Meeting will be on June 6, 2013.  Hostesses: Valerie L., Sue S., and Ellie B..
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Sal R., Secretary