Activity schedule – January, February, March 2012
Unless otherwise specified, we meet at 10 a.m. All
activities are subject to last minute changes, so watch for email updates and be sure to call the contact person
before heading out. If you cannot reach the contact person, call Gloria H.
January 5: Bike
path at the University of Maine in Orono. A little over five miles from the
campus to Perkins Street in Old Town and back. Ski, snowshoe or hike depending
on conditions. We can have lunch in the Memorial Union cafeteria
January 12:
Snowshoe, ski or hike in the Castine area
January 19:
Cross-country skiing or snowshoeing from Jessie R’s home in Castine, followed
by a potluck lunch. Jessie will supply the chili, you bring salad or bread or
January 26: Ski,
snowshoe or hike somewhere on Mount Desert Island.
February 2:
Four-mile loop in Bangor City Forest, with lunch afterward at Uno’s.
February 9: Ski,
snowshoe or hike in the Caribou Bog, Old Town.
February 16:
Eagle Lake ski/showshoe, with three levels – three miles or four miles along
lake shore, or six-mile circuit.
February 23:
Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust in Orland
March 1: Quarterly
meeting at noon, St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Ellsworth.
March 2: TBA.
March 8: Walden
Parke, part of Bangor Land Trust, woods trail and railroad bed.
March 15:
cancelled Bucksport snowshoe or hike. New hike . . . Dead River trail walk
March 22. TBA,
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