Friday, June 12, 2009

DOC Hiking Schedule for the 3rd Quarter 2009


Activity Schedule – July, August, September, 2009

Contact person must be called to confirm meeting place and time. If you cannot reach contact person, call Jim Z. Don't forget your lunch. In consideration of other hikers, please, no dogs on the trail. Unless otherwise specified, meet at 10AM for all hikes.

July 2 Wonderland/Ship Harbor

Walking on trails and along shore. Meet at Seawall pkg area. Call Jane and Gordon R. if you plan to attend.

July 9 Lead Mountain

Meet at Airline Diner on Rt 9 in Beddington. Good views from the summit, 6 mi roundtrip. Call Gloria H. if you plan to attend.

July 16 Great Wass near Jonesport

Long and short flat walks available. Meet at Nature Conservancy pkg area on Beal’s Island. Call Bev N. if you plan to attend.

July 23 Hirundo Wildlife Refuge in Alton

Hirundo Bd member, Dick Andren, will lead a canoe trip. 6 canoes are available or bring your own canoe or kayak. Walking trails also available. From I95 exit 197, drive 5.1 miles west on Rt 43 to Wildlife pkg area. Call Shirley E. if you plan to attend.

July 28 (Tuesday) Corea Heath and Bar Island

Change of day necessary to accommodate the tide. Meet at old Navy pkg area on rt side of Rte 195, 2.6 miles beyond intersection of 195 and 186 in Prospect Harbor. Call Alice W. for further information if you plan to attend.

Aug 6 Great Pond Mountain in Orland

Meet at Craig Brook Hatchery pkg area. Shorter walks available. Swimming in Craig’s Pond an option. Call David and Elise A. if you plan to attend.

Aug 13 Schoodic Point

Climb Schoodic Head or walk at sea level. Observe the sculptors at work at the Schoodic Sculpture Symposium. Meet at parking area at entrance to SERC (the old Navy Base) gate house. Call Pat B. if you plan to attend.

Aug 20 Bucksport " Around Town " Hike

Meet at the public parking lot on Main St. behind the Post Office. Call Jim and Kathy Z. if you plan to attend.

Aug 27 Gulf Hagas near Brownville Jct

Spectacular 3 mile canyon contains 5 major waterfalls. Strenuous 5 or 6 miles roundtrip. Meet at 8AM at park and ride area at jct of Rtes 395 and Odlin Rd. Call Jack W. if you plan to attend.


Potluck Lunch at noon, St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Ellsworth

Call hostesses: Marcia P, Jane R, or Jessie R.

FRIDAY, SEPT 4 Three mountain tops

For further information call Sue S. if you plan to attend.

Sept 10 Dorr Mountain in ANP

South Ridge Trail. Flat walks available in area. Meet at pkg area on east side of Route 3, ½ mile south of the Tarn. Call Pat M. if you plan to attend.

Sept 17 Cadillac Mountain – South Ridge

Meet at Blackwoods Campground off Rt 3 near Otter Creek. Call Ron and Charlotte S. if you plan to attend.

Sept 19 ( Saturday) (rain date Sept 26) Westcott Stream Dogs welcome. Meet at Reny’s in Belfast. Call Judy K. if you plan to attend.

Sept 24 Schooner Head Trail

Flat walk with a possibility of exploring Anemone Cave. Meet at Schooner Head Pkg area. Call Christina D. if you plan to attend.


President Jim Z.

Vice President Gordon R.

Secretary Shirley E.

Treasurer Bob B.

Schedule Pat B.

The next meeting of the planning committee will be at 10AM on August 21st at Mr. Paperback in Ellsworth. Contact any of the following with suggestions and offers to lead hikes: Sue Sullivan , Linda B, Dick F., Jim Z., Joe B., Gloria H., Jane and Gordon R., Dave A., Christina D. or Pat B.

Annual Camping Trip will be August 16, 17, and 18 at Pleasant River Campground near Bethel. Contact Gordon R. for options and rates. Make check out to DOC and send to the club Treasurer Bob B.

The Downeast Outing Club, its members and contact persons, take no responsibility and have no liability for any accident or injury associated with its activities. Participants do so at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not experts.