Thursday, February 26, 2015

2015-2-26 Hirundo Wildlife Refuge trails in Alton,

Valerie L, and Christina D lead this weeks hike in Frigid temps.  Fortunately the wind was not blowing and once we got going everybody warmed up.  The trails were easy to follow and lots of deer signs, + we found a grouse nesting sight in the snow ... no grouse though

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

10,000 + views to the DOC Blog

Who would have thought that in 5 years the ever so famous DOC blog would have had 10,000 views. 

In other news the earth is round. so not that big of a deal

Just in case you have not checked out the DOC blog lately give it a try when you have time .... 

2015 Dues Reminder ... are you paid up?

Well it's 2015 and once again your club dues of $5 per member are due.

Image result for club dues

If you have not paid up for 2015 it's time to do so.

If you can't recall if you have paid or not send the treasurer a email to find out.

Every hiking schedule has the name and mailing address of the treasure on it.

Friday, February 13, 2015


What do you think?  Resplendent or not ???????????

One member of the DOC recently used this adjective to describe this fellow on the Feb 12th outing ... what do you think?

resplendent - Dictionary Definition :
Someone or something that is resplendent has great beauty and is a pleasure to behold.

Resplendent dictionary definition |

The definition of resplendent is full of splendor or dazzling. An example of something resplendent is a chandelier with hundreds of crystals.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Snow Shoe & XC Skining on the Trails of Dorion Property, part of Orono Land Trust

The weather man promised a nice 19 deg day for the Bangor area ... all we got was 2 degs

But cold weather did not keep 20+ DOC members from taking advantage of a nice day on the groomed trails.  Meg & Ron L. did a fine job of giving us a choice of snowshoeing or XC skiing.  Actually it turned out to be a very nice day.  After the outing most of us went to the Family Dog restaurant for a hot lunch.