Thursday, November 20, 2014

Belfast Water Front and Town walk

High 20 temps and a brisk wind did not detour 40+ DOC members from enjoying a day in Belfast.  Jim & Kathy Shared the hike leader duty's with  Skip & his resident Belfast expert Cloe who herded this large group through the Belfast ship yard and town walk.  For some lunch was at the town park, others ate in a restaurant in town. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ocean Path and Great Head in Acadia National Park 11/6/2014

Trina D was the hike leader on this weeks hike to ANP's Ocean Path and Great Head. It takes more than cool and cloudy weather to make the DOC cancel a outing.  To top off a great hike Trina hosted another tail gate party of home made sweets. November in ANP is tops on the DOC's list because we have it all to our selves.