Thursday, February 20, 2014

Snowshoe & XC skiing in Castine Feb 20th

The second annual snowshoe and XC skiing outing at the Beske's in Castine.  30 DOC members took advantage of a great weather day and good snow.  2+ miles of wooded trails with lots of snow followed by 3 types of hot soup, breads and desserts.  Special thanks to everybody who brought a dish to share.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Enjoying the Sunrise Trail in Franklin, Feb 13th

A cool & cloudy day did not stop about 18 hardy DOC members from a good day on the  Sunrise Trail (rails to trails) in Franklin.  The group split in to two groups snowshoers
and the XC skiers.

Frank & Mary Beth invited everybody in for a warm up with soup and dessert after the hike.