Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday lunch the Manor Inn in Castine 12/11/2014

Once again this year the DOC celebrated the conclusion of another year of outings at the Manor Inn in Castine with 46 members.  In addition to some good food (Tuscan Chicken -braised with shallots, garlic,  wine, herbs, capers and sultanas) , the club conducted the usual quarterly meeting business and were treated to another photo slide show of previous 2014 outings thanks to the efforts of Jane R.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Black House in Ellsworth 12/4/2014

Dave and Ann J were the hike leaders on this hike.  Warm weather made for a slushy walk through the woods but still it was a good day to be outdoors with friends.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Belfast Water Front and Town walk

High 20 temps and a brisk wind did not detour 40+ DOC members from enjoying a day in Belfast.  Jim & Kathy Shared the hike leader duty's with  Skip & his resident Belfast expert Cloe who herded this large group through the Belfast ship yard and town walk.  For some lunch was at the town park, others ate in a restaurant in town. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ocean Path and Great Head in Acadia National Park 11/6/2014

Trina D was the hike leader on this weeks hike to ANP's Ocean Path and Great Head. It takes more than cool and cloudy weather to make the DOC cancel a outing.  To top off a great hike Trina hosted another tail gate party of home made sweets. November in ANP is tops on the DOC's list because we have it all to our selves.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Cider Party-Saturday, October 25

Once again Judy & Cora organized another apple cider pressing party in Castine.  It's hard to beat fresh apple cider and hot donuts and good weather.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Catherine Mountain in Franklin 10-2-2014

Dick and Barbara S were hike leaders this day.  Catherine Mt is always a favorite hike because of the stunning views that reward those who are willing to endure the climb. Also it's another great place to have lunch.