Thursday, April 18, 2013

Treat Point, Frankfort 2013-4-18

Skip P. lead  20+ DOC hikers on this weeks hike to Treat Point in Frankfort.  Typical early spring weather (cool & gray) was waiting for us.  Still getting outside for a while is better than being locked up inside.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Cadillac Mt Road walk. 2013-4-11

Shirley E. lead us on a road walk up Cadillac Mt. Cold but clear weather, another typical early spring day, was waiting for 20+ DOC'ers who walked the 4 mile road.  
The DOC is lucky to have access to Acadia National Park all year long, especially during the winter when we have it to our selves.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

DOC Pictures from 4-28-2006

I found these pictures recently and thought I better post them before they get lost for another 6 years
We were so young then 
I'm not sure who took these pictures

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4th 2013 Beech Mt.

Gloria H led this weeks hike up one side of Beech Mt and down the other.  She had her hands full on the way down as the trail was like a giant slip & Slide of ice.  Fortunately everybody made it down safe and sound

Monday, April 1, 2013

2013 2nd Quarter Schedule


Activity schedule – April, May,  June 2013

If you have not yet paid your dues, please make your check out to Downeast Outing Club for $5 per member and send it to Bob B.  If you can’t remember whether you are paid up, contact Bob at

Unless otherwise specified, we meet at 10 AM. All activities are subject to last minute changes, so watch for email updates and be sure to call the contact person before heading out. If you cannot reach the contact person, call Gloria H.
In consideration of other hikers, please, no dogs on the trail. Remember to bring your lunch.

April 4: start at the Pumping Station on Long Pond and climb up Beech Mountain via the South Ridge Trail, have lunch atop the mountain, return via the Loop Trail and Valley Trail., Call Gloria H.

April 11: Cadillac Mt Road walk.. Call Shirley E. if you plan to attend

April 18:  Treat Point, in Frankfort.. Led by Skip P. Call Sue S. if you plan to attend

April 25: TBA, Call Jane & Gordon R. if you plan to attend

May 2: Old Pond Railway, in Hancock. Call Valerie L and Christina D. if you plan to attend

May 9: South Ridge Cadillac Mt. Tailgate party after. Call Judy E.or Trina D. if you plan to attend

May 16: Sears Island. Call Jim & Kathy Z. if you plan to attend

May 23: Upper Ducktrap River, in Lincolnville. Led by Skip P., please call Jim or Kathy Z. if you plan to attend
May 30: Gorham Mt. MDI, Call Ellie B. if you plan to attend

June 6:  Quarterly meeting. St Andrew Lutheran Church, Ellsworth.  Be sure to contact the Hosts ( TBA )  Let them know what you’ll bring -- and don’t forget your place setting.
June 7:  NE Harbor ledges and Lower Hadlock Pond, MDI. Call Barbara and Dick S. if you plan to attend
June 13: Guided tour ECOTAT Garden, Hermon.  Ecotat Gardens and Arboretum in Hermon Visit Bill and Sally 's home afterwards.  Call Bill and Sally B. if you plan to attend   Rain date June 15.

June 20: Furth and Talalay Sanctuaries, Blue Hill. Call Bob & Sandra B. if you plan to attend
June 27: Bold Coast, in Cutler. Call Linda B. if you plan to attend
The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be at 10 AM on Friday, May 31, at Fields Pond Audubon Center in Holden. Contact any of the following with suggestions and offers to lead hikes: Sue S.; Jim Z.; Joe B.; Gloria H.; Ann and David J.; Jim W.; Jane and Gordon R.

The Downeast Outing Club, its members and contact persons, take no responsibility and have no liability for any accident or injury associated with its activities. Participants do so at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not experts.