Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19: Schoodic Head

Barbara and Dick S. leas this weeks hike up Schoodic Head, a less traveled but spectacularly beautiful part of Acadia National Park. Fine weather made this a memorable hike.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

DOWNEAST OUTING CLUB Activity schedule – July, August, September 2012

Unless otherwise specified, we meet at 10 a.m. All activities are subject to last minute changes, so watch for email updates and be sure to call the contact person before heading out. If you cannot reach the contact person, call Gloria H. In consideration of other hikers, please, no dogs on the trail. Remember to bring your lunch.

July 5: Blue Hill Mountain followed by a short walk to Peter’s Brook in Blue Hill.

July 12: Up one side of Pemetic Mountain in Acadia National Park and down the other, with refreshments at the Jordan Pond House – all made possible by the bus.

July 19: Schoodic Head, near Winter Harbor, in a less traveled but spectacularly beautiful part of Acadia National Park

July 26: Oak Hill and Flag Hill in the Wildlands of Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust in Orland.

July 29, 30, 31: Camping trip at Aroostook State Park near Presque Isle. An email will be forthcoming with more information.

August 2: A walk somewhere in Bucksport,

August 9: Schoodic Mountain in East Franklin, with a dip afterward in Donnell Pond.

August 16: TBA,

August 23: Western Mountain area of Acadia National Park, on “the quiet side.”

August 30: Walk around Sorrento, with lunch at the Browns’ house,

September 6: Somewhere on Mount Desert Island.

September 8 (Saturday): In place of our usual quarterly meeting, a cookout at Bob & Sandy's house at noon in Castine.

September 13: TBA,

September 20: Lampson Preserve in Penobscot, with gentle trails to Bagaduce River, then a walk at Tills Point Preserve on Maine Coast Heritage Trust trail, plus optional walk to end of Wardwell Point Road and additional trails. Joy Hare, 326-4574.

September 27: New trail through Bangor, from Saxl Park to Essex Woods, about 3½ miles one way.