Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Souffle Reminder

Souffle Lesson in Castine

Don't forget that Jessie R. has volunteered to hold a Souffle cooking class at her house.

The date will be Saturday , January 9th at 10am. in Castine.
If you are interested in attending please call Jessie ASAP to let her know.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

DOC Luncheon and Annual Meeting Dec 3rd

The Manor Inn in Castine was the venue for this years annual DOC Luncheon. 64 Members enjoyed some fine food & company this year. Our current club President Jim Z. has passed the gavel to Gordon R. as our new club President.

Cedar Swamp Mt.Nov 19

Once again great weather for about 30 DOC hikers. Enjoy these pictures of the Cedar Swamp Mt. hike led by Christina D.

GPMT - Cross-Country Snowshoe Hike

This is not a DOC Event
Sunday, Dec. 27
Full moon cross-country snowshoe hike… up to the lower ledges of Great Pond Mountain . Meet at 6 pm at Wildlands Dead River gate on the Don Fish Road for a two-mile loop hike up to awesome views of Alamoosook Lake and Dead River and beyond. We will ascend following old tote roads and descend via the Stewart Gross Path. Most of the slopes are moderate, with a couple of steep sections. In case of bad weather, the hike will be postponed to Thursday, Dec 31. Please call Jennifer Riefler at 469-2045 or email at jriefler@mdirss.org to preregister.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009

The Third Annual Thanksgiving Pot-Luck at Bob & Sandy's house was about as nice as one could imagine. 13 DOC members enjoyed a dinner prepared by culinary experts from all corners of downeast Maine. Dinner was followed by an obligatory round of dominoes . . . a domino winner was never actually announced and never appeared to be all that important.

As you night expect desert was the best part of the dinner.