Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Souffle Reminder

Souffle Lesson in Castine

Don't forget that Jessie R. has volunteered to hold a Souffle cooking class at her house.

The date will be Saturday , January 9th at 10am. in Castine.
If you are interested in attending please call Jessie ASAP to let her know.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

DOC Luncheon and Annual Meeting Dec 3rd

The Manor Inn in Castine was the venue for this years annual DOC Luncheon. 64 Members enjoyed some fine food & company this year. Our current club President Jim Z. has passed the gavel to Gordon R. as our new club President.

Cedar Swamp Mt.Nov 19

Once again great weather for about 30 DOC hikers. Enjoy these pictures of the Cedar Swamp Mt. hike led by Christina D.

GPMT - Cross-Country Snowshoe Hike

This is not a DOC Event
Sunday, Dec. 27
Full moon cross-country snowshoe hike… up to the lower ledges of Great Pond Mountain . Meet at 6 pm at Wildlands Dead River gate on the Don Fish Road for a two-mile loop hike up to awesome views of Alamoosook Lake and Dead River and beyond. We will ascend following old tote roads and descend via the Stewart Gross Path. Most of the slopes are moderate, with a couple of steep sections. In case of bad weather, the hike will be postponed to Thursday, Dec 31. Please call Jennifer Riefler at 469-2045 or email at jriefler@mdirss.org to preregister.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009

The Third Annual Thanksgiving Pot-Luck at Bob & Sandy's house was about as nice as one could imagine. 13 DOC members enjoyed a dinner prepared by culinary experts from all corners of downeast Maine. Dinner was followed by an obligatory round of dominoes . . . a domino winner was never actually announced and never appeared to be all that important.

As you night expect desert was the best part of the dinner.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

December 4th. Schedule Change

George and Gail have rescheduled their hike cancelled in October to December 4th.
This hike is on the Orono Land Trust property identified as "Colburn-Tech Park."

Meet at 10:00 am at the Orono downtown parking lot behind Margaritas and the Pub. There are no restrooms available on the hike so please allow yourself enough time to use the facilities at the town office nearby.

The walk should take approximately 2.5 hours. On the trip, watch out for the Big Old Tree, Pineapple Tree, Porcupine Tree, and Lightening Tree. In addition, we will pass a very old cemetery that actually has at least one Civil War veteran interred there. We will start
by following the Stillwater River Trail to the Tech Park, Down Teaberry Hill, and into the Colburn area. We will exit the trail at Winterhaven and continue along Bennoch Road back to the Parking Lot.

Some may wish to bring lunch but there are a few restaurants nearby for those who choose to eat out. Please call George and Gail if you plan to attend.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Souffle Lesson Anyone ?

Jessie R. has volunteered to hold a Souffle cooking class at her house.

The date will be Saturday , January 9th at 10am. in Castine.
If you are interested in attending please call Jessie ASAP to let her know.


Nov 19 Cedar Swamp Mountain

Another glorious day was waiting for 30 DOC hikers to climb to the top of Cedar Swamp Mountain. Christina D. was the hike leader and she did a marvelous job of keeping the group together.

Nov 12th Castine Walk

Great weather made it a most pleasant day for a long walk on the streets of Castine. David A., the hike leader and town historian, offered many glimpses into Castines past with descriptions of days gone by.

After the hike we had lunch on the town dock followed by a tour of the Lincoln exhibit in the housed inside the Historical Society building.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oct 15 Borestone Mountain

Here are a few pictures from the Oct 15 Borestone Mountain Hike led by Sue S.

Thanks to Shirley E. for these pictures.

Don't forget this blog is a testimonial to the great hikes and other outings that have been organized by the DOC Planning Committee. These great hikes are what has made the Down East Outing Club so popular for more than 20 years. Your pictures taken on DOC outings are always welcome and help to document the clubs activities.

Nov. 12th hike and Dec. 17th Hike Swap

The Nov. 12th hike and Dec. 17th hikes have been swapped.

The Nov. 12th will be in Castine hike lead by Dave A.

Dave's hike was previously scheduled for Dec. 17th.
Details of Dave's Castine hike will be sent out via email shortly.

While your in Castine be sure to allow time in your day to check out the Lincoln Exhibit
it's a world-class traveling exhibit featuring reproduction artifacts from the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield, Ill


Details of Sals Nov hike TBA

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Parkman Mountain & Bald Peak

This week's hike has a NPS rating of moderate (approx. 700 feet elevation
gain). We will hike up Parkman Mountain via the Parkman Mountain Trail and
over to Bald Peak (an additional 0.5 miles rt) for those wishing to include two
peaks. After lunch we will descend Parkman Mountain on the north side until
we hit the Carriage Road. We will follow this for the return hike.
Total distance: approx. 4.0 miles.

Please note: Meet at the Norumbega Mountain parking area on route 198.

Gloria H. if you plan to attend.

DOC Cookbook

The DOC Cookbook which was put together a few years ago has re surfaced.

We now have 25 copies available. This 50 page softback book would be a nice stocking stuffer for the holidays. The cost is $5. There are lots of recipes included and many were used at our past potluck luncheons.

If you are interested , contact DOC member Shirley E. for more info.


Saturday, November 7th is TAKE PRIDE IN ACADIA DAY. They need volunteers to help rake leaves and clean out ditches, etc. so that the carriage trails won't sustain too much damage during the winter months. DOC usually has a group volunteering and I hope you can join us. We'll meet at Park Headquarters on Rt. 233 at 8AM and work on the trails for about 3 hours. Don Curley will be our crew chief and he has always picked a good area for us to work on. We get back to headquarters by noon and have a delicious hot lunch. Please call or email me if you can join in the fun (we always have a good time).

If I can register you by November 4th, you'll get a free T shirt

Call DOC member Joan T. for more info

Saturday, September 12, 2009

DOC Activity Schedule ­ October 2009 4th Quarter


Activity Schedule – October, November, December 2009

Contact person must be called to confirm meeting place and time. If you cannot reach contact person, call Jim. Watch for e-mails and check our blog site, www.downeastoutingclub.blogspot.com for hike details and meeting place. If you do not have access to a computer call hike leader for further information. In consideration of other hikers, please, no dogs on the trail. Unless otherwise specified, meet at 10AM for all hikes.

Oct 1 Mansell Peak and Perpendicular Trail near Southwest Harbor. Flat hike option available. Call Gordon Jane R. if you plan to attend.

Oct 8 Cliff Trail and Lower Hadlock Pond in Northeast Harbor

Call Ron or Charlotte S. if you plan to attend.

Oct 15 Borestone Mountain near Monson.

Call Sue S. if you plan to attend.

Oct 22 Stillwater River Trail in Orono.

Call George Et or Gail D. if you plan to attend.

Oct 29 Flying Moose Mountain in Orland, Wildlands-Great Pond Conservation Trust land. Call Joe and Ellie B. if you plan to attend.

Nov 5 Parkman and Bald Mountains in ANP

Call Gloria H. if you plan to attend.

Saturday, November 7, Park Cleanup Day Meet at 8:30am at Park HQ on Rte 233. Bring gloves and water. The Park will provide breakfast coffee and lunch.

Call Joan T. if you plan to attend.

Nov 12 TBA

Call Sal R. if you plan to attend.

Nov 19 Cedar Swamp Mountain near Northeast Harbor

Call Christina D. if you plan to attend.

Nov 26 Annual Thanksgiving Day Potluck dinner at Bob and Sandy’s house. Limited seating available. Call Bob or Sandy B. if you plan to attend.

Friday, November 27 Jordan Pond Loop

Call Dick or Ruby F. if you plan to attend.


Manor Inn in Castine

Appetizer Walk – 11:00 AM

Luncheon and Annual Meeting – 12;00

Friday,Dec 4 Boggy Brook – Green Lake Loop in Ellsworth

Call Bob or Sandra B. if you plan to attend.

Dec 10 Belfast Town Walk.

Call Jim and Kathy Z. if you plan to attend.

Dec 17 Henderson Preserve in Castine

Call David and Elise A. if you plan to attend.

Dec 18 Planning Meeting for next quarter. Call Jim or Gordon with ideas for hikes and or offers to lead a hike. if you plan to attend.

Dec 31 Little River in Belfast

Call Linda B. if you plan to attend.

Officers: President Jim Z

Vice President Gordon R

Secretary Shirley E

Treasurer Bob B

Schedule Pat B

The Downeast Outing Club, its members and contact persons, take no responsibility and have no liability for any accident or injury associated with its activities. Participants do so at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not experts.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Aug 13 Schoodic Point

Pat B. lead 29 DOC members on a great hike on the grounds of the Schoodic Education and Research Center (SERC), located on Schoodic Point. Part of the hike passed by the Schoodic Sculpture Symposium (see below) to observe the sculptors at work.
After a casual hike we had lunch at a very foggy
Schoodic Point.

2009 Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium . . .

August 1 through September 12, 2009
Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium is a biennial cultural event that brings together artists, visitors, and communities to create a Public Sculpture Collection in eastern Maine. This gathering of sculptors is a fun and educational way to see how large-scale sculpture is made from granite, one of Maine's natural resources.

Visitors can watch the sculptures in progress. Artists from around the world are selected through a juried process to participate. The sculptures are then placed at public sites in Maine communities. Symposia are scheduled to occur in 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015. The symposium is FREE and open to the public

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cooking Lesson at Ruby's

July 30th Ruby F. had a cooking class at here house to satisfy the many request for the secret recipe of Ruby's rolls. About 16 DOC members turned up for the event.

Aug 6 Great Pond Mountain in Orland

This was a splendid day for a walk in the woods and spectacular views from the Great Pond mountain top. After the hike most DOC hikers went to Judy E's. house for cake and a cool refreshing adult beverage.

Thanks to David and Elise for a great hike and to Judy for the after hike get together.

The image above is a good example of what hiking in Maine during blueberry season may look like

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 23 Hirundo Wildlife Refuge

31 DOC members and guest braved threatening skies for a fantastic canoe and kayak trip on the Pushaw Stream. Calm water, slight breeze and no bugs were the reward for those that took to the water. After the river trip everybody gathered at the Hirundo shelter for lunch and refuge from the mosquitoes. Thanks to the Hirundo Wildlife Refuge host Fred, Debbie, & guide Molly for all of their assistance.

Thanks to Shirley E. for organizing this outing.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 16 Great Wass Nature Conservancy

Beals Island was the location for another spectacular hike on July 16th. Bev N. lead 20 DOC hikers on a shore line trail in the Great Wass Nature Conservancy followed with a tour of a private garden.